Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Not so little indeed...

The little things? The little moments? They aren't little...~~Jon Kabat-Zinn

This morning, I decided to take a walk at my favorite little park on the river after a brief spinal series to charge my energy channel.

A bus was sitting at the corner bus stop and just as I was about to cross the street to the park, a man in a uniform walked up with his breakfast in one hand and his coffee in the other. He offered a most pleasant and honest smile set upon a welcoming face with gentle eyes.

"Good morning ma'am, are you riding the bus this morning?" His uniform revealed that he was the driver.

"No, I'm just waiting to cross to the park, thanks."

"Okay then, you have a wonderful day."

"Thank you, you too," I offered back.

And just as I was taking my step, he said, "I love your hair, it reminds me of..." and he pulled open his phone to show the background picture of him and a beautiful woman with short hair, "...Anita Baker," he finished.

He had met her in Detroit and I told him how cool I thought that was, and it was the truth~~I might like to have my picture taken with a yoga instructor that I admire or the Dalai Lama, even Richard Gere, and put it on my phone.

My point?

He extended himself to speak to me and more than that, he ventured for conversation. Through his actions and sincerity, he had already made my day by setting such a tone.

As I was walking away, still crossing to the park, I felt emotions well up inside of me and briefly had a knot in my throat prompted from his kindness and courage to extend himself to others. It was touching yet unfamiliar to have someone so gracefully step across the boundary that strangers so often construct between themselves and others.

I continued thinking about my driver as I made my rounds through the park, the sky waking up with color. I really wanted to be on that bus because he is surely changing the world, one passenger at a time.

Not so little indeed...


Anonymous said...

So so awesome. He extended himself and you met him openly. Beautiful morning story.

Eco Yogini said...

what a beautiful post. I also love those moments of connection with someone, it's heartening and fills me with so much hope. :) They didn't happen as often while I lived in Montreal, but here in Halifax, people seem more willing to connect. the size of the city perhaps?

What a wonderful space here!

Many Blessings,

Tina said...

Thanks Aja, it was beautiful~still warms my heart! Thank you Lisa for sharing~blessings to you both...
