Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Pendulum..

Swinging back and forth.

Set into motion by forces outside of herself...

Subject to extremes,

Subject to unseens.

Fiercely and wildly craving,

Reason abandoned and caution to the wind...

She stretches toward the precipice, hands off her destiny, heart flailing like wildness and mind bent toward ecstasy...

For the touch,
For the satiation,
For the longing to subside.
For the wrecklessness to rest in the sweet receipt.

The center is her stillness...

Until the force stirs her into wildness, abandon and any restraint muddles through darkness for some sort of security that will never come.

The pendulum is her...and the wildness is her pulse.



Yogini B said...

This is a beautiful post.

I've just found your blog and I love it!

Peace and blessings for your holidays,


Tina said...

Thank you Bree--and because of your thoughtful post, I have now found yours...looking forward to reading more.
