Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Sweet Release

I love to write.

For me, writing is like a giant exhale...a release or letting go, a deeper understanding or another take.

I am working on a pay it forward post that I was inspired to do by Ecoyogini's endeavor...and it's coming, I promise, but tonight I write for me.

I write because today I ran out of time and I ran out of patience.

I write because my new role at work feels surreal--like I'm an alien navigating a new planet. I know I'm going to love it--god, I know this. For now...it's just different.

I write because I want to remember how refreshing it was to have dinner out with the children after not seeing them all day and wanting to soak up the space between the seconds because I longed for them ALL day.

I write to dance with words...to express sentiment or ideas in new ways...to meditate on the expansiveness of language.

I write to process.

I write to remember.

I write to dance.

Most of all, I write to honor experience--ALL experience.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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